Word to JPG converter

Convert Word to JPG online with our Word to JPG Converter, upload your Word document, and this tool will automatically process it and convert it into JPG format, which you can download from the output.

image to text

Upload or Drag and Drop your Word File

We support max file size 15MB

How to convert Word to JPG online?

To convert Word to JPG (Image) online, follow the below steps.

  • Upload your Word document using the “choose file” button or drag and drop it in the specified area.
  • Hit the “Submit” button.
  • Please wait a second and let our tool perform the conversion process.
  • Download your converted JPG image from the output.

That’s all; there is no rocket science or long manual steps.

Free Word to Image converter online

Word is a software or a program owned by Microsoft and is used to open, edit, and save the .doc or .docx file formats. DOC was used as a standard file format until 2003, and in 2007, Microsoft made the DOCX a standard for Word files. But you can still open the DOC files in Microsoft Word.

Both formats are used for structured documents such as reports and resumes that contain charts, tables, text, and many more elements.

The problem is that Microsoft Word can save a document in many other formats, such as PDF, etc., but it can’t save the file in JPG or image format.

So, to fill this gap, you can use our free online Word to Image converter to convert your DOC files to JPG format in just one click.

The fantastic feature of this tool is that your converted JPG will look the same as it will in a Word document.

How does the conversion process work in Word to JPG?

At first, we take the Word document or file as input and then transform it into the PDF format; after that, we convert that PDF into a JPG image.

This process retains the image quality and formatting of the elements in your Word documents in the converted JPG output.

Our great features make us different.

If we talk about the features of our Word to JPG converter, then it will be a “never-ending” list, and to save you time, we have highlighted some excellent features below that will compel you to choose us.

More than just Word to JPG

Along with the Word to JPG, our website offers many more online converters to help you in your daily tasks, such as JPG to Text, JPG to PNG, JPG to PDF, etc.

Safe and Easy to use

You can convert your Word to image without the worry of any malware or unwanted redirects because this tool is easy to use and safe; in three simple steps, you will get your output.

Highly accurate

Unlike the other tools, this Word to JPG is very accurate and produces high-quality output, i.e., your converted JPG image will look the same as the Word document.

Security & Privacy

We don’t store any Word documents or the converted JPG images of the users on our servers; your files will be deleted before we gain access to them from our servers.

Undo Conversion

Don’t worry if your mind has changed after converting your Word document to JPG image format. You can undo your Word to JPG conversion by changing the file extension from .JPG to Word using our other tool, JPG to Word converter.

Frequently asked questions

If you have any questions about converting your Word doc to JPG, see the list below of the most commonly asked answers.

How can I convert Word to JPG?

There are two methods to convert your Word files to JPG images.

In the first method, you can go to your Word document, take a screenshot of the part you want as a JPG, and save it. Open the screenshot in an image editor such as Paint or Photoshop software and save it as a .jpg file.

The second method is to go to our online Word to JPG converter and input your Word document. That’s all you will get: your JPG image in the output, which you can download.

Can I convert Word to JPG on Mac?

Using our online Word to jpg converter, you can easily convert Word documents to JPG on your Mac device.

Can I convert the Word files in bulk?

In the free version, you can only convert one word file at a time, but if you buy our premium, you can enjoy ad-free and batch conversion at a time with more ultra-fast processing.